Tag Archive for: Probiotics

The Origin of Herbal Medicine
Guatemala Herbal Medicine Sources, Guatemala Mayan Herbal Medicine Workshops, Herbal Medicine Practices, Herbal Supplements, Joan Cass Natural Healing SourcesThe origin of herbal medicine stretches back to the very beginnings of human civilization, predating even written history.

What herbs do Mayans use to heal themselves?
Guatemala Herbal Medicine Sources, Guatemala Mayan Herbal Medicine Workshops, Herbal Medicine Practices, Herbal Supplements, Joan Cass Natural Healing SourcesWhat herbs do Mayans use to heal themselves? The Mayans, civilization, had an extensive knowledge of medicinal plants and herbs for healing.

Mayan’s use Moringa oleifera
Guatemala Herbal Medicine Sources, Guatemala Mayan Herbal Medicine Workshops, Herbal Medicine Practices, Herbal Supplements, Joan Cass Natural Healing SourcesMayan's use Moringa oleifera, Moringa oleifera has been traditionally used in various Mayan cultures for its potential medicinal properties. Healing Practices: Mayan healers, often referred to as shamans or traditional medicine practitioners, relied on a deep understanding of the properties of local plants to treat a wide range of ailments.

Mugwort Herbal Uses
Guatemala Herbal Medicine Sources, Guatemala Mayan Herbal Medicine Workshops, Herbal Medicine Practices, Herbal Supplements, Joan Cass Natural Healing SourcesThe composition of mugwort essential oil can vary depending on the genus of plant selected, its habitat, as well as the part of the plant extracted and the season of its harvest.

Mayans use of Artemisia Wormwood
Guatemala Herbal Medicine Sources, Guatemala Mayan Herbal Medicine Workshops, Herbal Medicine Practices, Herbal Supplements, Joan Cass Natural Healing SourcesMy study and treatment of others may be useful for your ailments if you are interested in finding out more about the applications of Wormwood and Artemisia absinthium that I have discovered in treating parasites and how this may be related to Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Mayan Healers in Guatemala
Guatemala Herbal Medicine Sources, Guatemala Mayan Herbal Medicine Workshops, Herbal Medicine Practices, Herbal Supplements, Joan Cass Natural Healing SourcesMayan Healers in Guatemala. It is estimated that up to 80% of Guatemala population use Mayan medicines at some point in their lives.

Weekly Consultation
Guatemala Herbal Medicine Sources, Guatemala Mayan Herbal Medicine Workshops, Herbal Medicine Practices, Herbal Supplements, Joan Cass Natural Healing Sources
Monthly Herbal Maintenance Program
Guatemala Herbal Medicine Sources, Guatemala Mayan Herbal Medicine Workshops, Herbal Medicine Practices, Herbal Supplements, Joan Cass Natural Healing SourcesMonthly Herbal Maintenance Program involves using herbal remedies and supplements to support and maintain your overall health and well-being. Here's an outline of how I structure a monthly herbal maintenance program:

Herbal Medicine Landrace
Guatemala Herbal Medicine Sources, Guatemala Mayan Herbal Medicine Workshops, Herbal Medicine Practices, Herbal Supplements, Joan Cass Natural Healing SourcesThe term Herbal Medicine Landrace has generally been defined as a cultivated, genetically heterogeneous variety that has evolved in a certain ecogeographical area and is therefore adapted to the edaphic and climatic conditions and its traditional management and uses.

Herbal Teas Morning Sickness
Guatemala Herbal Medicine Sources, Guatemala Mayan Herbal Medicine Workshops, Herbal Medicine Practices, Herbal Supplements, Joan Cass Natural Healing SourcesHerbal Teas Morning Sickness. Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a pregnancy complication that is characterized by severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and possibly dehydration. Feeling faint may also occur. It is considered more severe than morning sickness.