Herbal Supplements:

  • Potential benefits: May offer symptom relief for certain conditions, support general well-being, or complement conventional treatment.
  • Important considerations: Limited scientific evidence for many claims, potential interactions with medications, and need for quality and standardization.
  • Recommendations: Consult a healthcare professional before use, choose reputable brands, and prioritize evidence-based approaches.

Herbal medicine (also called herbalism, phytomedicine or phytotherapy) is the study of pharmacognosy and the use of medicinal plants, which are the basis of traditional medicine. With worldwide research into pharmacology, some herbal medicines have been translated into modern remedies, such as the anti-malarial group of drugs called artemisinin isolated from Artemisia annua, a herb that was known in Chinese medicine to treat fever. There is limited scientific evidence for the safety and efficacy of many plants used in 21st-century herbalism, which generally does not provide standards for purity or dosage. The scope of herbal medicine sometimes includes fungal and bee products, as well as minerals, shells, and certain animal parts

Naturopathic Medicine:

  • Focuses on natural therapies: Utilizes herbs, nutrition, lifestyle changes, and other approaches to promote health and healing.
  • Regulated and licensed in some regions: Not universally recognized, individual practitioners’ skills and training vary.
  • Recommendations: Do your research, choose licensed practitioners in your area, and understand its limitations and complementarity to conventional medicine.

Herbal Supplements: Potential Benefits Holistic Health:

  • Considers mind, body, and spirit: Aims to address all aspects of well-being for optimal health.
  • Can incorporate various practices: Nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, stress management, spiritual practices.
  • Recommendations: Focus on evidence-based approaches within holistic practices, consult healthcare professionals for specific needs.

Herbal Supplements: Potential benefits Leaky Syndrome:

  • Controversial concept: Lack of definitive scientific evidence, varying definitions and diagnostic criteria.
  • Intestinal permeability concerns: Potential role in various conditions, but research is ongoing.
  • Recommendations: Consult a gastroenterologist for proper diagnosis and treatment of digestive issues, and avoid self-diagnosis based on “leaky gut.”

Alternative Therapy:

  • Encompasses diverse practices: Acupuncture, massage, yoga, meditation, energy healing, and more.
  • Potential benefits for well-being: Relaxation, stress management, pain relief, and symptom relief for certain conditions.
  • Recommendations: Research the specific therapy, choose qualified practitioners, and understand its limitations and complementarity to conventional medicine.


  • Childhood neuropsychiatric disorders: Linked to autoimmune responses triggered by infections.
  • Complex and require specialist diagnosis: Early intervention and evidence-based treatment crucial.
  • Recommendations: Seek professional evaluation by a pediatrician or child psychiatrist specializing in these conditions.

2e Twice-Exceptional:

  • Individuals with both giftedness and learning disabilities: Require specialized support and understanding.
  • Educational and emotional needs vary Individualized approaches crucial for success.
  • Recommendations: Seek support from professionals experienced with 2e individuals, and explore resources from organizations like NAGC or SENG.

Vagus Nerve:

  • Key component of the parasympathetic nervous system: Important for relaxation, digestion, and overall well-being.
  • Emerging research on stimulation: Techniques like breathing exercises or biofeedback have potential benefits.
  • Recommendations: Consult a healthcare professional before engaging in vagus nerve stimulation practices, and prioritize evidence-based approaches.


  • Live bacteria with potential gut health benefits: May support digestion, immune function, and potentially some conditions.
  • Research still evolving: Not a magic bullet, individual variability in response, limited evidence for many claims.
  • Recommendations: Consult a healthcare professional before use, choose reputable brands, prioritize evidence-based approaches and a healthy lifestyle.


  • Specify the type of training you’re interested in: Physical training, cognitive training, skill development, etc.
  • Different approaches and goals: Individualized plans and qualified guidance are crucial for safe and effective training.
  • Recommendations: Be clear about your goals, research, and choose reputable trainers or programs suitable for your needs and health status.
What herbs do Mayans use to heal themselves?Joan Cass
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What herbs do Mayans use to heal themselves?

What herbs do Mayans use to heal themselves? The Mayans, civilization, had an extensive knowledge of medicinal plants and herbs for healing.
Mayan's use Moringa oleiferaJoan Cass
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Mayan’s use Moringa oleifera

Mayan's use Moringa oleifera, Moringa oleifera has been traditionally used in various Mayan cultures for its potential medicinal properties. Healing Practices: Mayan healers, often referred to as shamans or traditional medicine practitioners, relied on a deep understanding of the properties of local plants to treat a wide range of ailments.
Mugwort is used forJoan Cass
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Mugwort Herbal Uses

The composition of mugwort essential oil can vary depending on the genus of plant selected, its habitat, as well as the part of the plant extracted and the season of its harvest.
Scarlet Fever PANDAS & PANSJoan Cass
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Scarlet Fever PANDAS & PANS

Scarlet Fever PANDAS & PANS. I missed a lot of school because I had scarlet fever in second grade. This was ok because I didn’t want to go anymore. It took a month for me to recover, probably because the doctors didn't prescribe antibiotics and just let the infection run its course.
Wormwood Mayan Healing MedicineJoan Cass
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Mayans use of Artemisia Wormwood

My study and treatment of others may be useful for your ailments if you are interested in finding out more about the applications of Wormwood and Artemisia absinthium that I have discovered in treating parasites and how this may be related to Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Guatemala Coffee Health BenefitsJoan Cass
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Guatemala Coffee Health Benefits

Guatemala is renowned for producing high-quality single-origin coffee beans that offer unique flavor profiles and characteristics due to the country's diverse geography, altitude, and climate. Here's some information about Guatemala's single-origin coffee and its attributes:
  1. Geographical Diversity: Guatemala's coffee-growing regions vary in altitude, climate, and soil composition. These factors contribute to the distinctive flavors found in Guatemalan single-origin coffees. The country's coffee regions include Antigua, Atitlán, Huehuetenango, Cobán, and more.
  2. Flavor Profile: Guatemalan single-origin coffees often showcase a balance of flavors, with tasting notes that can include chocolate, caramel, fruitiness (such as citrus or berry), floral undertones, and sometimes nutty or spicy accents. The volcanic soils and microclimates of the different regions contribute to this complexity.
  3. Altitude Advantage: Many Guatemalan coffee farms are located at high altitudes, which can contribute to the beans' desirable characteristics. Higher altitudes generally result in slower bean development, leading to increased complexity and acidity in the cup.
  4. Processing Methods: Guatemalan coffee is typically processed using various methods, including washed (fully washed), natural (dry processed), and honey (semi-washed) processing. Each method can influence the flavor profile, body, and acidity of the final coffee.
  5. Acidity and Brightness: Guatemalan single-origin coffees are known for their vibrant acidity, which provides a lively and tangy sensation on the palate. This acidity often adds complexity to the overall flavor experience.
  6. Aroma and Aesthetic: The aroma of Guatemalan coffees can be rich, offering a combination of floral, fruity, and earthy notes. The appearance of the coffee beans varies depending on the processing method but generally tends to be well-developed and of high quality.
  7. Direct Trade and Sustainability: Many coffee producers in Guatemala are committed to sustainable and ethical practices. Some coffee farms engage in direct trade relationships with roasters, ensuring fair compensation for farmers and fostering long-term partnerships.
  8. Cultural Heritage: The cultivation of coffee has a significant cultural and historical impact in Guatemala. The country's coffee production has deep ties to its traditions and rural communities, making Guatemalan single-origin coffee not just a beverage but a part of the nation's identity.
When seeking out Guatemalan single-origin coffee, look for specialty coffee roasters or shops that prioritize quality and transparency. They will often provide detailed information about the coffee's origin, processing methods, and flavor profile. Keep in mind that the taste of coffee is subjective, so exploring different regions and processing methods can be an exciting way to discover your preferences. Remember to store your coffee properly in a cool, dark, and airtight container to preserve its freshness and flavors. And as always, brewing methods and preferences can vary, so feel free to experiment to find the best way to enjoy your Guatemalan single-origin coffee to its fullest potential.
The Vagus Nerve ?Joan Cass
Mayan Herbal Medicine FactsJoan Cass
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Mayan Herbal Medicine Facts

Functional and Holistic Nutrition are examples of my areas of providing treatments. My work with Guatemala Healers. Herbal Medicine Workshops are designed to introduce you to Mayan indigenous healers’ wisdom about traditional healing herbal remedies and healing arts in Lake Atitlán, Guatemala.
Brain Fog, also known as Mental Fog.Joan Cass
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Brain Fog, also known as Mental Fog.

Brain fog, also known as mental fog or clouding of consciousness, is a condition characterized by difficulty with concentration, memory
Health Benefits of Coffee.Joan Cass
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Health Benefits of Coffee

Health Benefits of Coffee. Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world, and it has been the subject of numerous studies investigating its potential health benefits